Sunday, June 8, 2014

Reasons to Defeat Fear

For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control... (2 Timothy 1:7)

Fear is one of humans' natural reactions and  there is a fine line between fear and wisdom.  When you allow fear  to dominate your life, it cause extensive damage. We are forced to face very adverse consequences, or we become stagnate, which ultimately leads death (moral,emotional,spiritual, physical etc...)

What is Fear?

It's dark out, and you're home alone. The house is quiet other than the sound of the show you're watching on TV. You see it and hear it at the same time: The front door is suddenly thrown against the door frame.Your breathing speeds up. Your heart races. Your muscles tighten. A split second later, you know it's the wind. No one is trying to get into your home.
For a split second, you were so afraid that you reacted as if your life were in danger, your body initiating the fight-or-flight response that is critical to any animal's survival. But really, there was no danger at all. What happened to cause such an intense reaction? What exactly is fear? In this article, we'll examine the psychological and physical properties of fear, find out what causes a fear response and look at some ways you can defeat it.

Fear is a chain reaction in the brain that starts with a stressful stimulus and ends with the release of chemicals that cause a racing heart, fast breathing and energized muscles, among other things, also known as the fight-or-flight response. The stimulus could be a spider, a knife at your throat, an auditorium full of people waiting for you to speak or the sudden thud of your front door against the door frame.
The brain is a profoundly complex organ. More than 100 billion nerve cells comprise an intricate network of communications that is the starting point of everything we sense, think and do. Some of these communications lead to conscious thought and action, while others produce autonomic responses. The fear response is almost entirely autonomic: We don't consciously trigger it or even know what's going on until it has run its course.
Because cells in the brain are constantly transferring information and triggering responses, there are dozens of areas of the brain at least peripherally involved in fear. But research has discovered that certain parts of the brain play central roles in the process:

Reasons to Defeat Fear

Fear at tracks difficulty:(Job 3:25)

  1. The thing that you are most afraid of can manifest in your life through your fear. 
  2. If you are overly aware of the things that you fear you are less focused on God's purpose for your life. 
Free and stress can kill you (Luke 21:35)
  1. Stress and anxiety can have a negative effect on your life: making you tired, increasing the aging process, making you prone to depression. 
  2. Your body responds to stress and anxiety the way it reacts to physical danger.  Prolonged reactions wears down the body. 
Fear causes anger (James 1:19-20)
  1. There is often some fear at the core of our anger and anxiety (fear of abandonment, fear of being oppressed, fear about health, fear of generational curses/cycles, fear of living life without love etc....)
  2. At the beginning of every bought with fear and/or anxiety we should ask ourselves: " What am I afraid of..
 Fear can be paralyzing (Matthew 11:12) 
  1. Even if in only one area of life, fear can slow down progression. 
  2. Anything that is stagnant is often dead or dying. 

How Do You Overcome Fear? 

RELATIONSHIP: (2 Timothy 2:19) 
  1. PRAYER- Relationship with God- (Focus on the Word) 
  2. FELLOWSHIP- Relationship with people who have a relationship with God
  3. CONSISTENCY- Regular church attendance and Implementation of the word in your life
RIGHTEOUSNESS (2 Chronicles 7:14)
  1. Focus on the Word of God
  2. Make the right choices in life
God is light....Where there is light darkness can not dwell.

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